How many panels from the solar farm do I subscribe to?

Solstice supports a subscription-based community solar model. This model allows for low-commitment participation in your local solar farm with no upfront costs and guaranteed savings on your monthly electric bills. In this model, participants do not own their allocated solar panels. Instead, participants buy the energy produced by their solar allocation at a discounted rate. This allows flexible participation in our solar farms that's both environmentally and financially rewarding!




Before subscribing to one of our solar farms, you must provide Solstice with a recent copy of your electricity bill. By providing this information, we are able to estimate your historic annual electric usage to determine how many solar panels your household or business should be allocated. Solstice sizes your allocation so that the energy that your assigned solar panels produce closely matches the electricity you use within a year.

Because your electricity needs fluctuate throughout the year, Solstice can only estimate your allocation based on your historic energy usage. We know that circumstances may change and affect your energy usage, so if you ever want us to reevaluate your allocation, you can simply send your most recent utility bill to and ask us to take a look!

It is important to note that the amount of energy produced by your solar panels will fluctuate seasonally. In the darker winter months, your panels will produce less energy than they will in the sunnier summer months. This means that you can expect to see a smaller solar discount in the winter. However, your savings will increase as the days get longer with more sunshine and the months move toward summer.

Depending on your home energy usage, it is possible that your allocation to the solar farm will produce more solar credits than you can use on your bill in certain months. In those months, the excess credits will be banked to your utility account for use in later months when the solar farm produces less energy. Our intention is to keep your utility bill as low as possible year-round so you are seeing maximum savings from renewable energy.

Please remember that no matter how many credits your solar panels produce in a given month, you will always be saving money on your electric bill by being a Solstice customer!

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