Need to cancel your account? We'll be sad to see you go, but from your end, cancellation is no problem. There are no additional cancellation fees and you can choose to terminate your account at any time.
Here's what you need to know if we cancel your account:
- It takes up to 2-3 months for the application of Solstice credits on your utility bill to stop. In most states, Solstice is permitted to submit an updated list of customers to utility companies once a month. It then typically takes one month for the utility company to process the requested update and remove you from the solar farm.
- If your monthly credits and discounted charge for the credits are both applied to your utility bills, this will be discontinued once your utility provider removes you from the solar farm after receiving our request.
- If you're charged by Solstice separately for your monthly credits, you will be responsible for any charges that fall within the cancellation timeframe noted in your contract. As a reminder, Solstice only charges you for credits that have already been applied to your utility bill. You will not be charged after your cancellation window closes, even if your utility continues applying credits to your bill.
If you want to cancel your account or if you have any questions about canceling, please contact us at or 845-853-0768.
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