What happens to my account if I move?

Your Solstice account is linked with your utility number, so when you move your account has to be moved over as well! If you are moving within NY, IL, MA, or MN, your new home may be eligible for one of our community solar farms.

The first step in moving with Solstice is to reach out to our Customer Success team and let us know about the change. Our team will cancel your previous property, which will take effect after a few billing cycles, or as soon as your utility account number is discontinued. You may receive a few invoices after you cancel, which are charges for credits you received before your move.

*There is no risk of the new tenants receiving your credits if they will have a different utility number.

Once you receive a utility number for your new property, you can enroll it with Solstice by going into your account at app.solstice.us and clicking "Add New Property."




While enrolling, you will be asked to upload a utility bill to determine how many solar panels we should assign you to. If you do not have a utility bill for your new property, you can upload a bill from your old property for the time being. We can check in with you after a few months to get updated information. To get you fully enrolled, we will need your new utility account number and if you are in Illinois, your meter number as well.  

If you are eligible to complete enrollment, you will either be assigned to an available solar project or you will be placed on a waitlist for a farm in your area. If there is a farm available, you will sign a contract during enrollment. If you are placed on the waitlist, we will reach out with your contract when there is space available for you. Because we greatly value your loyalty to Solstice, we are happy to push you to the top of the waitlist so that you can begin receiving credits again as soon as possible!

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